Monday, November 16, 2009

WOOT for India!

India trip happening really soon. OMG!

This will be the first time going to India. Planning for a trip is always so exciting. The anticipation. The minor paranoid driven anxiety about typhoid and hep A. Yay pills and doctors!

One of the travel nurse really scared me about the possibilities of getting the rabbie vaccine. If I get bitten by a rabid dog in India, I would not only have to go through a series of 5 shots, I would need a blood transfusion...Holy fuck. Blood transfusion? In a third world country? Hell no.

But I guess that beats dying right away from rabies.

So I asked how much were the preventive vaccines.

Well, it turns out I only need to take 3 shots in a row before India. Each around $220. CRAZY. It's like they want you to not have a good time in India.

I asked fellow India travelers, and NONE of them has ever worried about rabies - and they go to India *a lot*.

Leave it to the crazy white Americans to be overly cautious.

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