Thursday, December 3, 2009

Learning slowly

I admit of being ahead of myself on this whole learning how to build a website thing. I thought I had a fresh enough of a mind to learn everything super fast and breeze through the whole techie gap that any newbie need to face.

If 67 year olds can learn how to build websites from scratch in X days, then by all means I should be able to get it up and running in hours! After all, I'm not totally clueless when it comes to computers and tech related business (ok, so I know adobe photoshop and editing programs. That still sorta counts).

But nope! It's taking me FOREVER to understand and grasp at the thing that makes the internet spin. All this talk of CSS and xtml, linking, anchor links, etc etc etc. I guess it's because I'm mostly lazy after coming back from a day's work. The last thing I want to do is learn more crap. Even though it's fun crap.

I need to set a schedule up for myself. Even if I do, it takes good discipline to finish things that you want done. If I have the whole day because it's a holiday, you bet your butt I'm going to be lounging around away from the computer. Which is why this crap takes forever.

I just went over to register for my new domain name and hosting service. Time to wait for the two things to click.

Then I gotta install wordpress. That's the way to go.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

OMG the spiders!

The spiders came! The spiders came! Freakin' finally!

Can't believe I missed a post yesterday. What a stupid slip. But the more I think about it, the more I'm doomed to failure. I should just post things that I find amazingly astonishing on the web like everyone else does.

Or maybe just rip off free content from one of those article directory bases. Yeah. But I need a "theme". Or do I?

This is meta of metablogs. How do spiders know a good sentence from a bad one? It probably doesn't.

Writing writing and more writing forever.

Ok, India is coming up in about a month. I have to take my typphoid medication and get ready for packing. I can't wait until it's winter break. That's when I can focus on getting ready for the big trip.

I love getting ready for a trip. It's the feeling of endless possibilities that makes each day end on a cliff hanger. Oh the nowness of adventuredom!

I need to write about time machines. Going back to the theme. The first book that ever intrigued me about time machines was Michael Crichton's "Timeline". I remember that feeling of being in middle school, indulging excessively in pseudo-philosophical angst, huddled in bed with a big ass book. Those were the days. And I never care to return to it.

Oh. Gotta do that link thing. And in bold font it is!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

There is something missing to all of this...

I stooped down to gossip about a popular celebrity, and STILL no google bots crawling in my space. How annoying.

I guess it's true about social bookmarking, pinging, and all of that fun stuff that you gotta do in order to get spiders crawling.

I know, "write for the people, not the spiders". Yeah? Can't a person have their own playing space?

Ok, maybe I should go back to writing about recipes and food and all that fun stuff.

Or maybe I can make this a daily diary of sorts. More like a journal where I'm perfectly aware that it's completely accessible to anyone. I love how some people still think just because they made a blog about their personal thoughts, they think others can't read it. Remember that one airline lady that posted something private about her airline that she works for? Totally fired.

Doesn't help to be an internet noob. Ok, I need to dig up materials for my 'real' blog that's coming up soon. First, I gotta talk to a few folks to see if the concept is ok with them, then gotta scrounge the web for pictures, video's, and make my own creative stuff from scratch. Hooray.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lady Gaga and the "Hermaphrodite ~ Transgender ~ Gay" thing

I've been giving my previous post about Lady Gaga more thought and reflection.

My first 5 second impression when I first discovered her Pop existence via "Bad Romance" video was "whoa Pop Industry is starring a tranny? AND it's making fun of those Pop blonde crap for the past X years? AWESOME!" Then I realized "oh, it's really a girl. And she's not really going for funny".

Damn. I was hoping for too much.

I'm not saying this to be mean, I seriously thought that the lean 'n lanky yet girly shaped Lady Gaga with the in-your-face fake blonde hair was transgendered. Why?

If you haven't been completely sheltered away from all the strange and wonderful things that exist in this world, I believe you'll understand where my mistake is coming from.

Check out the similarities between Lady Gaga and Chris Crocker, local 'cross gendered' (for a lack of a better term) Youtube star:

Chris Crocker from 'boy' to 'girl' in 4 minutes

Lady Gaga as Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga, transgender similarities

It's the excessive theatrics that go into being a "girl" that makes me draw this connection.

But what's my point?

Methinks Lady Gaga would be more deserving of the attention and praise she's getting if:

1) She was actually transgender, thereby actually pushing the Industry envelop for the gay community (as she so often plays the "I'm for the gays" card - yes I call her bluffin' cuz I ain't takin' shit from her muffin).

2) She features Chris Crocker as her double.

3) She tops Christopher Walken's performance of "Poker Face".

Now that's what I call brilliant.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Yep, art is synonymous with commercialism.

Art is such a 19th century catagory. People in their teens and twenties and thirties that try to play the overly romanticized "poor bohemian alienated artist" role need to reconsider what it really means to be a 'unique artist' in this day and age.

For the past coupe of generations, we have been so over saturated with images upon images that even the strangest things will slowly be accepted into that transaction machine called capitalism.

Personally, I'm not a strong fan of capitalism (nor do I hate it, there's almost no point to carry that kind of attitude as it only gets sucked back into that system of selling and buying somewhere down the line).

I'm still a little peeved by the fact that business and industry leaders have raped and pillaged every local culture, sub-culture, and foreign cultures into an evocative ad image. And they broadcast it in a way that there is no escape from that image for a good couple months at a time.

And the fact that I'm forced to trade in things like free time for the sake of earning enough money to live at a completely inflated standard of 'living modestly' - well, sucks for me.

But I found something this weekend that not only killed 'art' and the 'sub-culture' catagory for good and fed it straight into the mouth of slick commercialism, it also killed much of my free time due to it's addictive quality :

Yes its full of memorable, catchy, evocative images that cries out "watch me and listen to me". Yes, it is VERY well done from a production and 'artistic' perspective on the outfits, lighting, and allegorical metaphors of the various shots.

This is the epitome of a postmodern work gone on a selling spree. Postmodern is not about 'originality'. It's about stealing from what's already been done and re-packaging it in a flashy way.

This is the brilliance of Lady Gaga and her brand image - it has completely taken Tokyo eccentricity, gay culture, soft S&M, and 19th century avant-garde aesthetic and sold it to millions of copies after copies all around the world. Capitalism for the win.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Amazing scrambled eggs....

But I don't know the damn recipe! I saw it on Barefoot Contessa. I remember the scrambled eggs had a mixture of awsome herbs. And of course some cream. And butter. And cheeeese. Cheese is better than sex folks. I can not imagine life without cheese.

Did you know cheese is a strictly western thing? The rest of the world are mostly lactose intolerant (except for some strange mixed-cultured folks).

I would love to go to a cheese tasting festival. It would be so great to taste all the different textures and flavors that I've never tried before. So many different variations of brie that I can live on forever.

I might end up with a lot of gas at the end of the day and with a really pungent breath, but I'll be happy. I won't care. Ce la vie.

I have to google and find that stupid recipe. Why can't everything be available for free? The world will be so much better off if basic information like fancy scrambled eggs with exotic cheese is open to everyone to try.

Monday, November 23, 2009

OMG I dropped the ball

Man, I made a promise to myself that I would post to this sucker every single day. Even if nobody is reading it, I will still make a stupid post. But no. I forgot. I actually logged on but never got to writing anything. O wellz.

I'm thinking of starting a real blog with a real theme very soon. I'll make a nice little link from this place to that other place. That would maybe help the real blog get set up faster.

I really like this name. I should purchase a domain name with it. I have no idea which web hosting service I should use. I don't know ANYTHING!!! AUUUGHGGHG!

Is it 250 words yet? I need a counter so I know when to stop rambling for the day.

I am currently at my old high school's computer. I have to wait another 2 and a half hours before real work begins. *Sigh*.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Websites should be like cheese

Websites should be like cheese -  the older it gets, the more pungent it is to attract the crawlies to spider all over the place.

But no, not really. This page has been up since FOREVER and no spider crawls happening so far. I don't know. Maybe because I've never spent the time to build any content on this sucker. Mmmm. I guess that could be a problem.

And the fact that I don't have a theme for this damn thing. Oh this is so meta. Could that be pretentious art talk? Perhaps. Your suspicions just indicate the signs of a good gut instinct. So humph. There goes another day of waiting. The cobwebs are in place, but no spiders.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Keep crankin'

Looks like I'm stuck writing perpetually. Non-stop. Maybe I should start a recipe blog. At least that might be useful to somebody and less time consuming than writing full little paragraphs. Although I must say just free writing is pretty fun. I don't have to think too hard about anything. Just write what comes to mind.

I should make a bodhicitta blog. I've been thinking about it for a while. That would be fun to upkeep. But sort of challenging to NOT make it cheesy. There are ways to make it inspiring without the cliche sugary soft barf factor.

"May I be an isle for those who yearn for land..." Wonderful thoughts if you say it and mean it full genuine intention. I have not read through Bodhicaryatara yet. Just the beginning. But truly understanding those beginning chapters can easily take a life time in and of itself.

Monday, November 16, 2009

WOOT for India!

India trip happening really soon. OMG!

This will be the first time going to India. Planning for a trip is always so exciting. The anticipation. The minor paranoid driven anxiety about typhoid and hep A. Yay pills and doctors!

One of the travel nurse really scared me about the possibilities of getting the rabbie vaccine. If I get bitten by a rabid dog in India, I would not only have to go through a series of 5 shots, I would need a blood transfusion...Holy fuck. Blood transfusion? In a third world country? Hell no.

But I guess that beats dying right away from rabies.

So I asked how much were the preventive vaccines.

Well, it turns out I only need to take 3 shots in a row before India. Each around $220. CRAZY. It's like they want you to not have a good time in India.

I asked fellow India travelers, and NONE of them has ever worried about rabies - and they go to India *a lot*.

Leave it to the crazy white Americans to be overly cautious.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Boy oh boy

My energy is just zapped today.

I wanted to work  more but for whatever reason, I just don't feel like it. I guess this is what blogs are for. A space for anyone to just rattle their brain excess out. It definitely feels a little better to just loosen those fingers up on the typing board by writing whatever comes to your mind. That's when you can make that next step to work on what you're suppose to do.

I remember the good old days of ze frank, that awsome video blog guy that came up with a brilliant series of videos - made me laugh so hard. I wonder if it's still on.

Let me go check.

Holy ****! It's still on! Well, his new stuff is "That Makes Me Think Of" shot in HD camera instead of his old shabby one....not as funny :(.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ok time really does fly

Time flies quite fast. Sometimes slow. But when something really boring and long - winded ends, you recollect it only to realize it actually went by pretty fast. You get what I'm saying? Of course not. You're just a computer. Crazy me.

Ho hum, it is a long but fast day. The meeting about how to deal with people who do my job was surprisingly helpful, but I'm mostly there for the pay to be honest. Yep. That is my motivation. It's pure selfishness on survival mode. I guess that makes it more legit than selfishness on greed mode; that is just plain unnecessary.

I hate spelling unnecessary. Such a long winded word. So little time. Such elongations. If that is a word. But I guess Blogger says so as it did not underline that in red to signify "bad spelling". Whatever it says must be the truth.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Well I'm not too sure about deconstructing desconstructists

Derrida should have been a Tibetan Buddhist. He probably would not have written as many philosophical stuff as he has thought.

Most of Western Philosophy cruxes on the notion of the static, inherently existing "self", or the "I". Derridian thoughts, as much as it does a brilliant job playing around with the eternal fluctuation of that static "I" or "presence", that line of thinking also falls heavily on the preconcieved notion of "I".

What's wrong with being too philosophically hung up about "I"? Take a look at how much crap there is about "self-confidence" vs. "low self-esteem", about "identity", and "individuality"....Teenagers up to Tweens and early thirties spend SO much time trying to establish their fragile ego's when it really is a waste of time.

Who cares "who you are"? You're never the same one moment to the next. So don't be so self-conscious and just live with a mindset of doing what makes other people happy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Time Machine, dada Derridian aboard.

If you want info on Derridian thoughts

Or about time machines, check these out here.

Here are some neat videos too about Derrida....OR why some people may have beef with his writing...

And of course TIME TRAVEL!!! WOOT!:

Derridian Time Machine - what would that mean?

So I was musing about derridian time machines and other random things. If only I had a time machine. I can hop through time and space like a sci-fi beast.

Ok, so what is this really about? Is my intention to write about derridian machines? That would be kinda cool but I don't have the time or the imagination to come up with such things.


This is probably going to be about cool things on the internet. The internets totally a space machine - there is no first or last. No spatial sequences. Absolutely awsome and full packed of shtuff.